The current view on the debt ceiling is that the Monkey House will eventually vote to raise it $2,400,000,000,000. There will be a lot of talking about spending cuts and revenue enhancements but we all know nothing substantial will happen. The current rate of growth due to idiots exercising absolutely no control or intelligence over the last four years is $3,850,000,000 a day! Now those numbers don't mean a thing to you since you're simply incapable of comprehending them...a fact the Monkey Boys are fully aware of and are counting on. Once they pass that increase, they will have provided themselves with at least 623 days of continued antics and will totally ignore their responsibilities until the next election cycle. By the way, that $3,850,000,000 a day comes out to $12.38 per person. That's $12.38 a day for every man, woman and child in the US. That includes your cute little 7 month old grand kid. But since that number isn't all that big and you really don't care, that means little Sally Sue is on the hook for over $4500 a year before the little darling can even gurgle out “ma-ma”.
Ultimately, that means the Republican Party, the Tea Party, every single person considering themselves Conservatives, want little Sally, you, and Bill Gates to all share exactly the same burden. Bill will write that check right now, you can maybe get another loan and Sally, well, Sally can dip into that college fund you started and maybe come up with a partial payment. I'm not really sure what she'll do next year.
Meanwhile, the Democrats just don't care. $ 3,850,000,000 a day buys a lot of votes and, well, why not? They can always blame everyone else for their mis-management. After all, Bill “The Liar” Clinton not only balanced the budget, but had a surplus as well, didn't he? NO!!!! During his 8 years the Debt grew by $1,420,000,000,000 or about 10% of what it is today. I'm not seeing a surplus there.
Prior to that, it's true, Republicans started the ball rolling when Reagan totally mis-handled everything by giving massive tax cuts to his rich pals and we all pretended the country was prospering on the $1,870,000,000,000 he borrowed over eight years. That disaster was fouled up by George “the Feeble” Bush who didn't want to be left out and ran the debt up another $1,480,000,000,000 in half the time. It took Bill twice as long to match that. That wasn't good enough for you since Bill instituted a tax increase which killed all those jobs wealthy Republican donors were creating so America chose the path of quickest destruction and installed George “The Idiot” Bush. In some sort of macho bullshit game, “The Idiot” out did daddy by once again following the Reagan plan of destruction by cutting taxes on his buddies and running up a then record debt of $2,140,000,000,000. He fouled that up by adding another $3,970,000,000,000 to the total. Nobody even blinked.
In 2009 the American public was so stupid and weary and totally unaware of the National Debt that they finally elected a somewhat sane Democrat who ramped things up another $1,650,000,000,000 in his first year. Shortly after that, the debt became an issue.
You are all fucking lunatics! Get that? Every single one of you useless, pathetic voters are stupid scum. At the end of his term, Jimmy “The Farmer” Carter had only upped the money you owe by $290,000,000,000. A mere fraction of the reckless waste our current politicians laugh about. And an awful lot of people consider him a failure! What's that make his successors? You know, the weasels you voted for. In fact, the really serious increases didn't start until you imbeciles bought in to Reaganomics, the totally proven failed economics that Republicans continue to support for their own selfish reasons.
Democrats are just as worthless as the moron currently in office since they actually lowered social security taxes by 32% despite the very public warning that Social Security may currently be in trouble. Yea, that one went right over your head, didn't it. That's why you're a moron. That wasn't just a useless ploy...that was a destructive one. The fool currently in charge gave a totally meaningless tax break at the direct expense of millions of Americans in hopes of generating more tax revenue and that little experiment completely backfired. Now the jackass in charge is contemplating cuts to Social Security to help pass a meaningless budget that will only be a re-election device and not to a thing to help the US economy.
The real (and only) solutions are clear, obvious, and totally indisputable. If even one member of Congress wasn't a total coward the American public would be aware of the easy and painless fixes. But no such person exists:
- Restore the current Social Security tax rate right now.
- Repeal the Bush Tax Cuts now.
- And, as long as your at it, pretend to make some cuts in spending.
People are so stupid that they rally around anyone spouting any none sense as long as it sounds complicated. If the solution is too easy they act like they actually can comprehend the idiocy and defend their foolish perspective. Even the highly effective solutions I posted above could use a little more elaboration, but you won't understand it because you can't. Here are the facts not a single person can adequately dispute, yet you'll give it a pathetic try:
- Not only was reducing the Social Security Tax a colossal mistake, but the upper limit should be increased. Fact is, there should be no upper limit. There's absolutely no sense in having one. All that does is benefit the richest Americans and makes us even more reliant on foreign investors.
- Even though eliminating the Bush Tax cuts would in no way harm the economy and in fact greatly increase revenue, they would still be unfair. The wealthiest people in this country will continue to pay less in taxes then most Americans and as has been historically proven, they will in now way effect the job situation.
- Among the actual spending cuts that should immediately be instituted, Defense spending should immediately be cut by 10%. That's already a fact. The Pentagon has already suggested that. Congress should also advocate a 10% reduction in their personal waste including their salaries, benefits, and perks. There's so much more that can be done that it would take a book to list them. And Social Security and Medicare wouldn't even make the list.
Because you're an idiot none of the above will happen. Your mind is too feeble to grasp that. The fact is, you'll continue to vote for exactly the same guys that got us to where we are today.
By the way, morons, don't try any of the ridiculous arguments constantly used to dispute all the facts here. Don't try that idiocy about per cent age of GDP. It's stupid and easily destroyed. As I've clearly proved, tax cuts for the rich simply don't work and are an indisputable failure. Social Security and Medicare ARE NOT “entitlements” since they are 100% the only aspect of federal taxation that have been instituted for a very specific purpose. All the other money the government takes is spent at their discretion but, the 6.2% they take for Social Security and the 2.9% they tax for Medicare are there specifically for those purposes. The rest of the money they take from you is strictly for their salaries and benefits, buying votes, and occasionally to serve the public good. If every penny they took from you was allocated to a specific fund you won't waste your vote on any one of them. But, they KNOW you're not that smart. So thanks for doing your part to ruin this country.
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