Sunday, January 23, 2011


The Teabaggers are open to cuts in the Defense Budget! Aren't we the lucky ones!! The very same people who wholeheartedly supported government handouts to the largest corporations in the world and objected to government help for the average citizen aren't opposed to cutting the spending of one of the primary agencies responsible for our massive deficit! If only they weren't lying scum and meant it...then it may mean something.

Here's the idiot article I'm referring to. Anybody, giving any kind of credence to the meaningless, useless Tea Party is truly doing a major disservice to the US...much like like the Republican Party itself that licks the boots of psychotic Teabaggers just to keep their job.

Clearly the continued support of the ever increasing military budget over the decades has been a major contribution to our debt and they never once did a single thing to reduce those costs. Now they say they want to, but of course, that is a lie. THERE WILL BE NO CUTS IN MILITARY SPENDING!!

But that lie is beside the point. Soon enough the Teabaggers will be rallying for cuts in Social Security and Medicare. After all, it would be incredibly stupid to cut military spending since we are currently involved in two wars. Besides a Teabagger who'd be dumb enough to advocate such cuts now? Time to screw the average American to “make a point”. After all, didn't the current administration just cut social security taxes 2% despite the FACT that everybody sees the social security fund in trouble? Why on earth would anyone cut contributions to the fund? That 2% will make absolutely no difference to anyone's income yet will have a decided impact on the future of millions of Americans.

The Tea Party has already stamped itself as one of the most detrimental factions in American politics and will continue to pressure self-serving Republicans to achieve their own selfish goals. If nothing else, the Tea Party epitomizes the “selling out” of America. Sure, it's been done before but never this shamelessly.

There is currently a total disregard for the well-being of the general population and the pathetic minions of the Tea Party are spearheading the attack. The GOP aided by a very vocal minority are collaborating to fatten their own wallets at the direct expense of the masses and not a single person (besides myself) is even aware of it or will do anything about it. Thanks again for voting.


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