Sunday, January 09, 2011


The other day a Congresswoman and some people were gunned down in Arizona. She is so far surviving but six others are dead. There's a lot of wailing about guns and the political implications of a nut job committing mass murder. A lot of people are upset in one way or another. But that was yesterday. Nobody's that concerned over the other 28 people that were killed that day, just like they didn't care too much about the 34 homicides that occurred the day before, or the 34 that happened today, or the 34 that will happen tomorrow. In 2007 there were 12,636 homicides related to firearms. I don't imagine that rate has changed much between then and now (since nobody has done a single thing about it) so I'm more then pretty confident that the 34 murders a day average holds up.

I'm not being callous when I say I really don't care that this incident happened. By “care” I mean it's just another day as far as I'm concerned. The attack on a member of government doesn't matter all that much to me. After all, aren't they the very people who sought and accepted a high profile, well-paying and powerful position that's supposed to prevent this kind of thing?

After any high profile mass murder lots of people rally around and condemn our violent society. And absolutely nothing changes. Some 34 people that you don't know will die today. So you won't care. In fact, people being shot to death has become so insignificant that you won't even hear about it unless it happens in your community. A few weeks ago, six people were gunned down outside a restaurant in the city near me and that's all we heard about for a while. Of course, nobody talks about it now.

Me, I really don't care. According to the CDC 4.2 people out of 100,000 are killed by guns every year. I like my odds. On the other hand, the odds are a whole shorter for Congressmen! Something like 1 in 500 now.

Much to my surprise, the incident isn't being depicted as much for it's violence but political scumbags are grabbing on to it for political gain. Worthless human beings from both sides of the political spectrum are trying to frame the killer as the result of the ravings of one political party or another. And, it has worked.

1)Any person attempting to connect the psychotic mass murderer to any political thinking is truly an evil SOB. Only the lowest form of scum would twist this action in to some sort of political leverage. Scumbags like that can be safely ignored since anything they have to say is pure stupidity.
2)Even attempting to defend or deflect ties between your political beliefs and the actions of a lone lunatic makes you an idiot. If you're not smart enough to defend falling in to that trap, your not smart enough to listen to. Anyone without the functioning neurons to simply dismiss any asshole attempting to connect them to the actions of this killer is an idiot.
3)Clearly and unquestionably the media in all it's forms has influenced countless people to pursue acts of violence. Hell, Mark David Chapman, the man that murdered John Lennon was influenced by “Catcher In Rye”. John Hinckley, Jr. tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster after watching the movie “Taxi Driver” one time too many. We still got books, we still got movies and no writer, publisher, producer or director went to jail for being a contributing factor.
4)There's no doubt among thoughtful people that all the rhetoric of the various political idiots is encouraging violence. They all thrive on violence. It's a good attention grabber. Hell, we're being manipulated in all kinds of crazy ways because we're all supposed to be scared to death of terrorists blowing us up any second now.
Some guy got a gun and murdered a bunch of people. Happens every single day. Let's face it...the American public ain't all that bright. The dumbest are among the most active in politics. Okay, maybe they're not so dumb since they take tragedies like this and warp them in to political hay. After all, these guys are rich (and enjoying massive tax breaks).

I have no hope for American society since the very people who want to improve things haven't a clue. I supported the current administration and all I got was business as usual. Not a thing changed. Republican or Democrat, they're all either totally incompetent or totally self-serving. Not a single one has done anything to serve the people that support and pay them.

The one thing the shootings has clearly demonstrated is that Congress and our political leaders simply don't care. Even though one of their own has been victimized, they will take advantage of the horror for their own gain. They will not do a single thing to prevent it from happening to you, but you can bet they will take steps to insure it won't happen to them. And you'll support that.

The fact is, the attempted murder of a Congressperson only insures increased protection for Congresspeople. You'll get nothing. And that's 100% your fault. You support the scumbags. Thanks.



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