Friday, January 28, 2011


The current state of the world economy is very, very, very easy to explain. I can easily best any economist in a discussion of current world events. Never mind the fact I can best any economist concerning any issue...I'm just talking about the current situation. So here's the explanation: People are really stupid.

Today, the very slight and not unexpected drop in the Dow-Jones Average (DJA) of about 150 points is being linked to the current Egyptian situation. It also is providing an excuse for a rise in oil prices. Really? Is everybody really that stupid? Just when, exactly, did Egypt become a dominate world economic power? Hell, cheap, greedy corporations don't even contract out their customer service lines to Egyptians. When's the last time you called Sprint customer service and spoke with an Egyptian? Their total imports are around six bucks, American. Their exports are about twice as much. Just what sector of our economy is being so strongly influenced by unrest in a country whose major export is digital pictures of pyramids?

The other day a spike in unemployment was announced and the DJA rose!!! Good news...more people then expected filed for unemployment?!?! The interplay between the Market and world events is so complex, isn't it? And the people making the calls are intuitive? Is that why there's usually a drop in the DJA every Friday?

Certainly unrest in parts of the world can influence where the big money goes but the guys that make the really big bucks off all the suckers investing in the stock market tend to wait until the end of the week to do some selling and skim off a few bucks to make their condo payment. Come Monday/Tuesday the exact same guys will be snatching up those “under-valued” stocks and will sit on them for a couple of days while everybody else realizes they may be missing out on a good thing and will also start to buy in pumping up the price.

It's EXACTLY like this: Buy 10,000 shares of Widget at $54 and sell it three days later at $55, guess how much you made? Sound simple? Too simple?? But that's the way it is. That's the way it's always been.

Attributing a drop in the Market to some world event may be valid from time to time, but just how, exactly does the current situations in Iraq and Afghanistan figure in? At one time the “escalated” activity resulted in a Dow drop and higher oil prices but all that “stabilized” and things were normal.

You sweat or get giddy when you're 401K moves up or down a few percentage points every couple of months. Meanwhile the guys on Wall Street are churning your portfolio and eating up whatever meager profit you may be making or taking a bigger bit out of your loses. They can do whatever they want since the Federal Government has absolutely guaranteed that you will bail them out no matter what happens.

In effect, you buying all the bullshit some moron spouts about the stock market directly contributes to gross manipulation of the price of everything and the wealth of a select few. Unrest in Egypt? Really? It just happened today? None of the geniuses in the world saw this coming? The guys whose very wealth depends on monitoring such events were caught completely off guard? Now they're in some sort of panic? Clearly and indisputably, these guys are really bad at their job if anything like this ever comes as a surprise. I admit, I had no idea what was going in Egypt because I didn't care and it doesn't matter. It puts no money in my pocket...and that's what it's all about.


Sunday, January 23, 2011


The Teabaggers are open to cuts in the Defense Budget! Aren't we the lucky ones!! The very same people who wholeheartedly supported government handouts to the largest corporations in the world and objected to government help for the average citizen aren't opposed to cutting the spending of one of the primary agencies responsible for our massive deficit! If only they weren't lying scum and meant it...then it may mean something.

Here's the idiot article I'm referring to. Anybody, giving any kind of credence to the meaningless, useless Tea Party is truly doing a major disservice to the US...much like like the Republican Party itself that licks the boots of psychotic Teabaggers just to keep their job.

Clearly the continued support of the ever increasing military budget over the decades has been a major contribution to our debt and they never once did a single thing to reduce those costs. Now they say they want to, but of course, that is a lie. THERE WILL BE NO CUTS IN MILITARY SPENDING!!

But that lie is beside the point. Soon enough the Teabaggers will be rallying for cuts in Social Security and Medicare. After all, it would be incredibly stupid to cut military spending since we are currently involved in two wars. Besides a Teabagger who'd be dumb enough to advocate such cuts now? Time to screw the average American to “make a point”. After all, didn't the current administration just cut social security taxes 2% despite the FACT that everybody sees the social security fund in trouble? Why on earth would anyone cut contributions to the fund? That 2% will make absolutely no difference to anyone's income yet will have a decided impact on the future of millions of Americans.

The Tea Party has already stamped itself as one of the most detrimental factions in American politics and will continue to pressure self-serving Republicans to achieve their own selfish goals. If nothing else, the Tea Party epitomizes the “selling out” of America. Sure, it's been done before but never this shamelessly.

There is currently a total disregard for the well-being of the general population and the pathetic minions of the Tea Party are spearheading the attack. The GOP aided by a very vocal minority are collaborating to fatten their own wallets at the direct expense of the masses and not a single person (besides myself) is even aware of it or will do anything about it. Thanks again for voting.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



I'm supposed to be anguishing over the mass murder in Arizona because a Congresswoman was severally injured and six people, including a sweet and innocent 9 year-old girl were killed. And I should just ignore the other 24 plus people that were murdered that day. After all, they were nobody special.

While every single news outlet and pundit scurry to make this a political issue they blatantly ignore the 15,000 killings that will occur this year because most of those people won't be important. But since the woman laying in a hospital bed was some one important, this one means something. We should all be in mourning.

I say, “Fuck you!”. None of these people gave a shit about all the lives lost last year. Not a single one of them cared about the thousands gunned down the year before, but NOW we're all supposed to be in mourning. Screw that!

Gun violence has been an epidemic in this country since anybody cared to keep track but nobody actually cared about it. The United States is the murder capital of the world, but that's okay until a member of Congress is attacked. Did you know in Arizona it's okay to carry a gun in public? It's perfectly acceptable to walk around “strapped” unless your within a certain distance of a state or federal building, or a school. Of course, it's just fine and dandy to be welding a firearm in a public place as long as you're not violating some law that restricts your weapon being in the proximity of one of the people that actually approved your “right” to carry it.

Well look what happened! Golly gee, the “accused” murder didn't violate any of those laws, did he? Yet here we all are, moaning about the carnage. Are people really that stupid? Since it's a crime to walk in to a elementary school with a loaded weapon everything's okay, isn't it? That little girl doesn't ever actually go any where else, does she?

I can “Google” all the aspects of gun murders involving children, members of Congress, federal employees and the like and I'll be more disgusted then I am now. All I needed was to look up the CDC's page for murders involving firearms to learn that over 15,000 people were killed in a single year. Over 30 people a day were shot. But this one is special. Personally, I don't see it. I did a quick search to see how many children died as a result of guns and came up with only 2200 or only 42 a week in 2006. maybe it was better in 2010...I didn't bother to check. Neither did you. Neither did the person you voted for.

I really don't think about it much...gun deaths in the United States. Why would I? Nobody I know has been killed by a bullet (or even wounded). And, frankly, it didn't occur to me until everybody started wailing about this last incident. Holy Shit! A member of Congress was assailed. If it was your wife, son or daughter, no big deal. But this...this is something tragic!

I'm tempted to cite the specific assholes that may have contributed to the event but any case would be a stretch and would involve 100% rhetoric. In doing so I would clearly stamp myself as an idiot. Crazy people do crazy things nothing will ever change that. But ignoring the reality here is obviously absurd. A nut had very easy access to a weapon and used it. What sane person is surprised? What intelligent person can make it something political? I have nothing but disdain for any moron attempting to paint this situation otherwise.

I know any number of political hacks monitor my posts and steal the ideas here in order to make themselves look good, but in this case all of them lose. I have plainly and succulently demonstrated that all of them are fools. Nobody will touch this one since every single one of them have now been exposed for the scum they are.

The shootings mean nothing in the “big” political picture. No one is to blame. That's because every single one of them shoulders the responsibility. This was just too fucking easy. It'll happen again. It's already been done before but you didn't care. You won't care tomorrow.

Don't forget to vote!!!!!!!


Sunday, January 09, 2011


The other day a Congresswoman and some people were gunned down in Arizona. She is so far surviving but six others are dead. There's a lot of wailing about guns and the political implications of a nut job committing mass murder. A lot of people are upset in one way or another. But that was yesterday. Nobody's that concerned over the other 28 people that were killed that day, just like they didn't care too much about the 34 homicides that occurred the day before, or the 34 that happened today, or the 34 that will happen tomorrow. In 2007 there were 12,636 homicides related to firearms. I don't imagine that rate has changed much between then and now (since nobody has done a single thing about it) so I'm more then pretty confident that the 34 murders a day average holds up.

I'm not being callous when I say I really don't care that this incident happened. By “care” I mean it's just another day as far as I'm concerned. The attack on a member of government doesn't matter all that much to me. After all, aren't they the very people who sought and accepted a high profile, well-paying and powerful position that's supposed to prevent this kind of thing?

After any high profile mass murder lots of people rally around and condemn our violent society. And absolutely nothing changes. Some 34 people that you don't know will die today. So you won't care. In fact, people being shot to death has become so insignificant that you won't even hear about it unless it happens in your community. A few weeks ago, six people were gunned down outside a restaurant in the city near me and that's all we heard about for a while. Of course, nobody talks about it now.

Me, I really don't care. According to the CDC 4.2 people out of 100,000 are killed by guns every year. I like my odds. On the other hand, the odds are a whole shorter for Congressmen! Something like 1 in 500 now.

Much to my surprise, the incident isn't being depicted as much for it's violence but political scumbags are grabbing on to it for political gain. Worthless human beings from both sides of the political spectrum are trying to frame the killer as the result of the ravings of one political party or another. And, it has worked.

1)Any person attempting to connect the psychotic mass murderer to any political thinking is truly an evil SOB. Only the lowest form of scum would twist this action in to some sort of political leverage. Scumbags like that can be safely ignored since anything they have to say is pure stupidity.
2)Even attempting to defend or deflect ties between your political beliefs and the actions of a lone lunatic makes you an idiot. If you're not smart enough to defend falling in to that trap, your not smart enough to listen to. Anyone without the functioning neurons to simply dismiss any asshole attempting to connect them to the actions of this killer is an idiot.
3)Clearly and unquestionably the media in all it's forms has influenced countless people to pursue acts of violence. Hell, Mark David Chapman, the man that murdered John Lennon was influenced by “Catcher In Rye”. John Hinckley, Jr. tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster after watching the movie “Taxi Driver” one time too many. We still got books, we still got movies and no writer, publisher, producer or director went to jail for being a contributing factor.
4)There's no doubt among thoughtful people that all the rhetoric of the various political idiots is encouraging violence. They all thrive on violence. It's a good attention grabber. Hell, we're being manipulated in all kinds of crazy ways because we're all supposed to be scared to death of terrorists blowing us up any second now.
Some guy got a gun and murdered a bunch of people. Happens every single day. Let's face it...the American public ain't all that bright. The dumbest are among the most active in politics. Okay, maybe they're not so dumb since they take tragedies like this and warp them in to political hay. After all, these guys are rich (and enjoying massive tax breaks).

I have no hope for American society since the very people who want to improve things haven't a clue. I supported the current administration and all I got was business as usual. Not a thing changed. Republican or Democrat, they're all either totally incompetent or totally self-serving. Not a single one has done anything to serve the people that support and pay them.

The one thing the shootings has clearly demonstrated is that Congress and our political leaders simply don't care. Even though one of their own has been victimized, they will take advantage of the horror for their own gain. They will not do a single thing to prevent it from happening to you, but you can bet they will take steps to insure it won't happen to them. And you'll support that.

The fact is, the attempted murder of a Congressperson only insures increased protection for Congresspeople. You'll get nothing. And that's 100% your fault. You support the scumbags. Thanks.
