Saturday, February 26, 2011


From time to time I post on various sites and blogs and occasionally I punctuate my profound insight by saying “How hard is that to understand?”. Because I can succinctly (more on that some other time) respond to a question in an impeccable manner, I'll occasionally end my impeccable statement with that. I do it because it's pretty catchy. And it sounds pretty condescending, doesn't it?

Anyway, it will shortly become a very common response to things and I won't be credited for originating it even though there have been many times unscrupulous individuals have blatantly stolen my ideas and utilized them for their own purpose. I'm ahead of the curve on this one since it's starting to pop-up here and there.

I'm not sitting still for this one since it is a pretty cool thing to say after making a valid and clear point. Unimaginative and uncreative people will steal it. Fine with me but be warned! When you decide to steal my idea and I catch you at it, I WILL EMBARASS YOU!!!! So, steal away useless scumbag...I'm waiting!

Now, how hard is that to understand?

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Friday, February 04, 2011


It bugs me that even though the proof is always out there, most people are too stupid to understand anything.

It's about a week since Egypt became unstable and the stock market was poised for another collapse and the price of oil was about to skyrocket to $2,000,000 a barrel. Just didn't happen.

Thanks to the total ignorance of all you people less then 1% of the population will be living the life thanks to the 99% too stupid to think for yourselves.

As I clearly pointed out in my last post the stock market is clearly manipulated to enrich a few who we don't dare tax too much because they are creating so many jobs.

Clearly, you are an idiot.

Please, please, please...refrain from voting. You're an idiot. You'll once again vote for another moron who won't care a bit about you. You'll buy all their lies, you'll demonize the other party as corrupt as the one you're stupid enough to support, and everything will continue tyo go down hill.

Thanks again, you idiot!

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